5 Wentworth Chambers accepts readership positions to coincide with the April/May and August/September NSW Bar Practice Courses.
A reader at 5 Wentworth Chambers:
- is offered accommodation on the floor for the 12 month reading period, and in the usual course is offered accommodation in our Annex once the reading year has concluded;
- is expected to have a member of 5 Wentworth as one of their tutors;
- is allocated a Practice Development Mentor to assist the reader to develop their practice. The Practice Development Mentor is a floor member, who is not the reader’s tutor. This is an opportunity that is unique to 5 Wentworth Chambers; and
- has access to the extensive library subscriptions held by the floor, for no additional fee.
If you are interested in applying for a readership we request that you do so by 31 May 2025 for the September 2026 intake and 31 October 2025 for the May 2027 intake. However, we accept (and review) applications for readership throughout the year. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible, although late applications will be considered if there is a vacancy.
Applications and enquiries will be treated in strict confidence and should be directed to the Clerk. Applications should be accompanied by a covering letter, curriculum vitae and academic transcripts.
Please contact our Clerk with any questions.